Monday, January 13, 2025

Premium Blend Dark Roast Mocca and Moccamaster

I´m avid coffee drinker. While back I bought 6kg (13,2277lbs) of my favorite coffee. Normaly it´s prized 7+€/ 500g. (1.10231lbs). It was on discount, half the prize. So I took so many that it´ll last me for a long time. Kilo (2.20462lbs) is gone 5 more kilos (11.0231lbs) to go. Do you drink coffee? How much does your favorite blend costs?                     My Corner of the World


  1. You do consume a lot of caffeine

    1. 3 mugs, 3dl each. So less than a litre. Used to drink twice that so I don´t think this is too much.

  2. I rarely drink it these days. Sometimes I miss it, but my stomach feels better without it.

  3. I'll changed to tea 2 years to go cos heartburns... Not missing and not absolutely finished, still I drink a cup of coffee every week. When did i used to drink Juhla Mokka too. Presidentti is better but costs too much.

    1. Glad you can drink it once a week. You´re right about the Presidentti.

  4. I like coffee too. Filter coffee.

    1. Haven´t try filter coffee. I´m old school.

  5. I'm a fan of the Guatemala Dark Roast from SkyTop Coffee. It costs about $20/12 OZ. I actually had a carpet cleaner from Guatemala out once who told me it's his favorite brand too and reminds him of home. Would love to give your brand a try some time.

    1. $20? Defenetly not a cheap-o coffee. Would love to taste that. Finns drink more coffee per capita than people anywhere else in the world btw.

    2. It really isn't the cheapest but it's definitely worth it, or at least it is to me haha I actually didn't know that. I may have to plan a trip to Finland soon.

    3. What ever floats one´s boat, we only live once.
      You´re very welcomed to visit!

  6. I have a favourite coffee that I have each morning, it's usually a mocha but it's made quite strong to get me through the day.

  7. We pay €7.99 for 1kg but the price is going up to €9.99 right now. We get it from Denmark from kaffekapslen.

    1. €7.99 does sound reasonable compare to our prizes. But it´s also going up in here too..


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