492 with 51 comments.
Divited by country;
United States 193
Germany 80
Canada 72
Finland 57
Singapore 22
India 12
Australia 11
New Zealand 4
Belgium 3
United Kingdom 3
Bulgaria 2
Hong Kong 2
Indonesia 2
Israel 2
Japan 2
South Korea 2
Russia 2
Angola 1
France 1
Others 19
...wow, the US is top dog!
ReplyDeleteThey find me through you. Thanking you my friend!
DeleteLuulisi, että miehillä olisi jokin hengityssuojain suojana.
ReplyDeleteNo niinpä. Tuoksahti erittäin vahvalle liuottimelle.
DeleteThe cost to the community
ReplyDeleteNever ending job that is.
DeleteThere's always people that think graffiti is attractive but it's not.
ReplyDeleteThose done haistly - and without permission - looks bad. The one´s made with permission are better. It´s matter of taste I guess.
DeleteThat could be a full-time job. Clean it up and it comes back just as fast. Our town is very small so graffiti isn't a problem. We have a drunk problem, too many young people drinking and yelling.
ReplyDeleteWell after all you´re Irish, so you´re bound to drink more than most. We have junkies, drunks and graffitti painters. Three out of three.