Sunday, June 9, 2024

Industrial Hall..

..on fire. Black smoke is going to east due wind. It´s some 1,5km away from where I´m living. Gladly the smoke isn´t coming my way. The hall contains campers and mobile homes. I heard something exploiding, it´s probably gas kegs. I heard fire engines rushing to the site with sirens on.

I was reading news online when I noted news of the fire. You can read it from here and here. It´s written in Finnish so you need translation program to read them. If it even is read-able outside Finland. It looked like this from my window.


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah. I´m not gonna go near there. Dangerous smoke on air. Windows close and ventilation off.

  2. Replies
    1. Näin lähellä ei ole koskaan ollut moinen. ESS.ssä oli hurjia kuvia.

  3. Wow, amazing no one was killed. Very intense fire.

    1. Well it´s sunday. People are not working. Seems like many losted their job..

  4. oh no, hope no one has their laundry out on the washing line, that smoke would make it all smell.

  5. Replies
    1. Actually the grey smoke is from that fire.


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