Monday, February 10, 2025

Winter Wonderland

My Corner of the World

Blog visitors past week;
412 with 24 comments.
Divited by country;
Finland 107
United States 39
Singapore 23
Hong Kong 10
New Zealand 9
Australia 5
Belgium 5
Germany 3
South Korea 3
Mexico 3
Indonesia 2
Japan 2
Netherlands 2
Austria 1
China 1
France 1
Ireland 1
Norway 1
Russia 1
Others 193


  1. Siis, onko siellä lunta? Täällä ei ole yhtään ja tänään aurinko paistoi!

    1. Ei niin paljon kuin kuvassa, vanhempi otos. Mutta aurinko täälläkin paisteli ja lunta on kuitenkin.

  2. Greetings to Finland - Suomi. Have a good time. And have fun in the snow.
    Violatta from Austria

  3. Loving the snow, I think people would freak out there if we got that much.

    1. This ain´t all that much. At times there´s way more snow.


I love comments and will responde to everyone. In my blog that is. I´ll try to visit everybody but sometimes I just don´t have time. Sorry about that. I moderate comments.