Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Out with the Old

In with the New. There used to be 2 storey "high" Super Market in here. Now they´re building new apartment building 10 to 13 stores high. Very tall cranes there, it´s must to be able to build the new ones. Demolition was quick, building is more time consuming I guess. Around this area there´s few old low rises to be demolised yet still. New High rises will replace them. Building ground is scaces so only way is up.


  1. ...in urban areas, the only way is UP!

  2. There are a lack of affordable housing here which they are trying to solve. We'll see how far that goes.

  3. I can't imagine high rises in the town I live in, it's a very small town with no need for them.

    1. Wait 20 years and you probably have the same.

  4. Replies
    1. There´s new neighbourhoods in my city I haven´t even visited.

  5. Lisää korkeita taloja, sama homma täällä. Ja samaan aikaan tyhjiä asuntoja on todella paljon, eivät tee kauppansa.

    1. En tiedä meneekö kaupaksi mutta paljon näitä on noussut viime vuosina.


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