Saturday, September 7, 2024

Over Load

This is unusual sight in Finland. We tend to be very clean and neat. The Garbage Guy left a note in this garbage can. Some dumbass has putted his/hers cardboard in a plastic bag there. How stupid can one be to do such silly thing. That´s the reason this has´nt been empthyed. I don´t know how is this gonna go but surely we can´t be dumping our cardboards around the bin forever, right? Peoples stupidness make me mad, I hope it hurts.

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  1. We have the same problem here. People don't read and follow the rules when it comes to trash. Most of them don't pay for trash removal and dump it wherever they can.

  2. Kiva jollakin kerätä sitten sateessa muhjuuntuneita pahveja pitkin pihaa.. :(

  3. ...the world is full of thoughtless people.

  4. Replies
    1. Samaa mieltä. Ei ole kauhean rakentavaa paskoa omia nurkkia. Jotkut ei vaan välitä mistään. Ja me muut maksetaan tämäkin sotku. PRKL!!!

  5. People just lacked virtue to do the right thing


I love comments and will responde to everyone. In my blog that is. I´ll try to visit everybody but sometimes I just don´t have time. Sorry about that. I moderate comments.