Sunday, September 15, 2024

Chinese Chick and Crazy Canadians

Blog visitors past week;
1.55K with 80 comments.
Divited by country;

Canada 1.16K
Singapore 132
Finland 122
United States 75
Australia 14
New Zealand 8
Ireland 6
Hong Kong 4
Germany 3
France 3
India 3
South Korea 3
Belgium 2
Brazil 1
Denmark 1
Iran 1
Others 16


  1. ...often the numbers on my blog make no sense.

    1. Everything computer related doesn´t make common sense.

  2. Replies
    1. I was sitting next to her. She was mesmerized by her phone. She didn´t even realized I was there.


I love comments and will responde to everyone. In my blog that is. I´ll try to visit everybody but sometimes I just don´t have time. Sorry about that. I moderate comments.