Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fresh Goodies

 There´s Chrerries, Apples and what not growing in our backyard for anyone to collect.

Blog visitor past week;
241 with 97 comments.
Divited by country;
Finland 97
United States 57
Singapore 35
Australia 10
New Zealand 6
Indonesia 5
India 5
Hong Kong 4
Canada 2
France 2
Ireland 2
Croatia 1
Malaysia 1
Norway 1
Poland 1
Others 12


  1. Hyvät apajat. Itse odotan, että syksyn mittaan marja-aroniat kypsyvät täällä pihalla. Niitä kerään pakkaseen.

    1. Kyllä vain. Lähiruokaa, luomua ja tuoretta. Itse en ajatellut mitään kerätä talteen, kirsikoita kuitenkin maistelin. Kai sitä vois vaikka omenan haukata..

  2. That means your backyard is healthy

  3. yum! cherries are my favourite.

  4. That's great that people are allowed to pick them.


I love comments and will responde to everyone. In my blog that is. I´ll try to visit everybody but sometimes I just don´t have time. Sorry about that. I moderate comments.