Sunday, August 4, 2024

Beer Garden

Didn´t have beer, I was waiting for a Pizza. Took it To Go because I live very near this place.

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  1. It's not often I have a pizza but my favourite is garlic shrimp.

    1. My fav has kebab meat, salami, tuna fish and chiken. And tomato sauce and cheese but of course. In Finland we tend to stuff bit of everything in Pizza. Italians probably wouldn´t touch our kind of pizza..

  2. Nyt alkoi tehdä mieli pizzaa. Yhtään olutta ei ole tänä vuonna mennyt, eikä muutakaan alkoholia.

    1. Kyllä pizza hyvää on mutta kohtuudella kannattaa nauttia.
      En itsekään ole alkoholiin koskenut reilusti yli vuoteen.

  3. beer and pizza for me.


I love comments and will responde to everyone. In my blog that is. I´ll try to visit everybody but sometimes I just don´t have time. Sorry about that. I moderate comments.