Friday, August 30, 2024

Autunm is..

 ..slowly greeping upon us. It´s hard to see when "The Heat" is still around. This Summer is one for recordbooks, most "The Heat"-days than ever. Climate Change ahoy! In May there was Snow still on ground and now this heat-wave. Very unusual year this have been Climate-wise. It´s interesting to see when Autunm actually stars and when first Snow comes. Reminds to be seen.


  1. right around the corner.

  2. Toivottavasti syksystä tulee pitkä ja ensilunta saa odottaa. Viime vuonna ei ollut syksyä, talvi tuli aikaisin. Tänä vuonna ei ollut kevättä, kesä tuli aikaisin. En tykkää.

    1. Ilmaston muutos/ lämpeneminen on saanut aikaiseksi sen että on vain kaksi vuodenaikaa. En minäkään tykkää siitä. Toivotaan pitkää sateetonta syksyä, syksy on kaunista aikaa.

  3. Pekka said that autumn will start on the week after next.
    Be ready!

    1. Thanks for a heads up Luisella! I must prepare, rubberboots, raincoat, umbrella and what not. And Camera but of course. Hoping for bright colors and not too much rain.

  4. Very grateful here that we didn't experience a heatwave. Ours is more of a rainwave. :)

    1. We had plenty of rain too. But they was usually short but very heavy though.

  5. The start of leaves on the ground means it's time for Autumn - we have the opposite here.


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