Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Suede - Trash                                      Saturday Classic

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Maybe it's our kookiness
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns
Our nothing places and our cellophane sounds
Maybe it's our looseness

But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Oh maybe, maybe it's the things we say
The words we've heard and the music we play
Maybe it's our cheapness
Or maybe, maybe it's the times we've had
The lazy days and the crazes and the fads
Maybe it's our sweetness

But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

We're trash, you and me
We're the lovers on the streets
We're the litter on the breeze
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do
We're trash, you and me
We're the lovers on the streets
We're the litter on the breeze
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do
We're trash, you and me
We're the lovers...


  1. Mainio biisi! Yhtä roskaamistahan tää on, elo tää. Suede kuvaa hyvin lällättely menoa. Tykkään biisistä ja bändistä!

    Hyvää Juhannusta!

  2. Tää on mainio biisi. Koetataan olla roskaamasta silti liikaa.

  3. Ysäribrittirokettia!! Tällaisen musan britit ovat kyllä hallinneet aina!! Ihan käypänen biisi vaikka ei ole ns. minun kuppi tettä!


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