Saturday, June 8, 2024

Hämärä hommia

 Ostin parin nyrkin kokoista kaiutinta tietsikkaani. Se muuttui stereoiksi saman tien. Hienoa koska monet You Tube videot on niin hiljaisia ettei meinaa kuulla lainkaan sisään rakennetuilla kajareilla. 3W nimellisteho ja langallinen malli. 11€ kuljetuksineen, ei paha. Varsinkin jos vertaa Sinihampaisiin vertaisiinsa, ne on 7-8 krt kalliimpia halvimmillaankin. Laitetaan sitten asiallista rockin räimettä kasari-ysäriltä ja nautitaan uusista - upeista - soundeista. RRrroooock🤟!

Skid Row - Monkey Business                  Saturday Classic

Well, outside my window there's a
Whole lot of trouble comin'
The cartoon killers and the rag cover clones

Stack heals kickin' rhythm
Of social circumcision
Can't close the closet on a shoe box full of bones

Kangaroo lady with her bourbon in a pouch
Can't afford the rental on a bamboo couch
Collecting back her favors 'cause her well is running dry
I know her act is terminal but she ain't gonna die

Slim intoxicado drinkin' dime store hooch
Is always in a circle with his part-time pooch
Little creepy's playing dollies on the New York rain
Thinkin' Bowie's just a knife

Oh the pain I ain't seen the sun since I don't know when
The freaks come out at nine and it's twenty to ten
What's this funk that you call junk?
To me it's just monkey business (get back)

Blind man in the box that will probably die
The village kids laugh as they walk by
A psycho is on the edge of this human garbage dump
And the vultures in the sewers are telling him to jump

Into the fire from the frying pan
Tripping on his tongue for a cool place to stand
Where's this shade that you've got it made
To me it's just monkey business

(Monkey business) slippin' on the track
(Monkey business) jungle in black
(Ain't your business) if I got no monkey on my back

(Monkey business) 
slippin' on the track
(Monkey business) jungle in black
(Ain't your business) if I got no monkey on my back
The Vaseline gypsies and the silicone souls dressed to the society
Hypocrite heartbeat and cheap alibis can't get you by that monkey, m-m-monkey, monkey

(Monkey business) slippin' on the track
(Monkey business) jungle in black
(Ain't your business) if I got no monkey on my back
(Monkey business) slippin' on the track
(Monkey business) jungle in black
(Ain't your business) if I got no monkey on my back

I got the business
(Ain't your business) no monkey on my back, yeah, yeah, cool
Monkey business, ness, business
Don't get me no business, oh aay


  1. Hyvä, että sait kajarit!
    Jep, näin aamutuimaan kuulosti aika räimeeltä tämä, enemmän iltamusiikkia minulle.

    1. Joo, kajarit parantaa elämänlaatua huomattavasti.
      Ei kai siinä, kuuntele illalla uudestaan. 😊

  2. Minä näiden aikaan olin kiinnostunut muunlaisesta musiikista, mutta toki rivakka rock & roll toimii aina.

    1. Samaa mieltä jälkimmäisestä pointista.

  3. Ajattelin että tässä vekottimessa vanhuuttaan alkaa YouTuben äänet hiipumaan, mutta olen tullut siihen tulokseen että ne on tehneet jotain. Joten kiitos vinkistä apukajarien suhteen :)

    Skidit uppoo toisinaan :)


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