Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Brand New Asphalt

 Was layed on the road passing by the block of flats where I live. Not even road markings are painted on it yet. The building has three staircases and it´s three floors "high". I live in the E staircase, if you look close enoughf you can see my staircase in the pic. This is literally My Corner of the World.


  1. Replies
    1. Never thought it like that. But now that you´ve said it, it is kinda nice yes.

  2. I live in the midwest. Cattle and pastures are my corner of the world. Thank you for sharing yours! a different perspective of my corner. Something ordinary for you, I find interesting. I was thinking my normal is nothing special. However to those who have not seen 'it' may find interesting. Thank you for enlightening me!!


    1. You´re wellcome. I spend my childhood summers in country side so I´m some what familiar in that too.

  3. Nice and smooth, the smell is also nice too.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes it´s very sleek. Wheel noise is way lesser that on the old asphalt.


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